Thursday, June 15, 2006

your questions- finally answered ; )

ok, so this is ridiculously long. i was thinking of making it into two posts, but nah- i'm too lazy. so if you read the whole thing- you are the shiznit!

what are you doing while you scrap? listening to music, TV, or just focused on the page?

It depends. My scraproom has a tv and my computer w/music. Sometimes I have music on, or the tv on as backround noise. But I’ve noticed that recently I forget about either of those and just focus on the page. But one day I want to get a dvr in my scraproom so I can watch some shows and scrap : )
I always wonder about other scraps and what is going on while they are creating pages...and for a non-SB related question...
how did you and Steve meet?
Do you really want to know? Hmmm. Guess I can admit it. You all know about my drunken fiasco’s by now. It was 5 years ago this past may. I was partying it up with my girlfriends in Isla Vista (UCSB college town in Santa Barbara) we all had a looooooooooot to drink. Julia was taking to this guy that apparently I found attractive. I walked up to him and announced “hey billabong, you’re sexy- can I kiss you?” and I did kiss him without waiting for a response. Awwww, how romantic……… theres a little more too it, but that’s basically how I met my sexy hubby : ) see- tequila shots ARE good for something ;)

where are you going to be in IOWA so we can find a good meeting point?
Don’t know if this counts for a question. But I’ll be in DeWItt Iowa, which is Clinton county. The biggest town nearby is Davenport- the quad cities!!! I know it’s a 3 hour drive to Miliwake (totally f-ed that spelling up) and 3 hours to Chicago. Is that any help? Oh! and the zip code where i'll be is 52742. How that will help, i'm not sure....

how long have you had your tongue pierced?
8 years. Holy shizzzzzzzzzzzle. That’s long. Got it when I was 18, and after I had broken up with a boyfriend who didn’t like them. What guy doesn’t want a girlfriend to get her tounge pierce? Whatever. Now it’s a size 4. I like everything big……. and no, i don't plan on taking it out anytime soon. unless i have to.
what's your favorite red wine?
I’m really into Pinot Noirs right now, and Cabernets. Love Toasted Head Cabernet sauvignon. My favorite wine I’ve ever had was a super fancy smancy bottle from 1981 that my dad saved for me when i was born. How did he know I’d be a wino? Don’t remember the name though, cause I dind’t need to- not like I’d ever be able to afford another bottle! But i believe it was from France, the Margquex area........
what's your favorite alcoholic drink?
Red wine. Then white wine. Then margaritas. Love me my tequila! it also depends on what i'm doing. love Bud Light at a baseball game or bbq. Tequila when i want to party it up, and wine when ever ; )
how close do you live to jessie? :)
we live about an hour an a half to two hours apart, depending on traffic. I ‘m guessing- I’ve never been to her house, but to that area that’s about the time. See, LA has this insanity that is traffic that adds like an hour to everywhere you want to go. Probably could get there in less time if there were no other cars on the road……….
But she grew up in the same neighborhood as my husband, and they went to the same highschool. They are a couple years a part, so they didn’t know each other, but they know siblings and friends siblings, etc. crazy small world!
if you could scrap like anyone, who would it be?
Jessie : ) she’s my scrapbook idol. Cause she’s so cool and fun, too. I also love becky Higgins. I know her style is pretty tame, but she always has such great lo’s with lots of pictures (and that’s more my style). I also love elise, heidi, ali, the dare ladies, and most all of my twopea girls. Wait, now I’m just getting crazy……..
if i bought you a monkey, what would you name it?
best feature on a man?
Hands. I like manly hands. And eyes. Sexy eyes. How come boys always get the best eyelashes???? Here’s hoping our offspring gets steve’s eyelashes (but my eyesight- 20/20 baby!)

am i a midwest babe?
I don’t’ know. I always think of the mid west as iowa and Illinois and Wisconsin, but its much larger than that. So sure, you’e a Midwest babe. You’re definelty a babe!
how many piercings do you have?
At the moment 13. the most I’ve had at once- 17, been pierced 23 times. And a handful of those times were by yours truly……………
what do you use on besides glue. (if there is anything)
paper. Duh. Other than that, I don’t’ know. Recently been into stickers again. Trying to get into stamping, but I kinda suck at it……..
are you lactose intolerant?
yes, as a matter of fact I am.
who's your main hollywood man?
jake gyllenhall. He’s dead sexy
and if you were to "bat for the other team" what actress would do it for you?
See, I used to say Angelina jolie. Then the whole bradelina thing came about, don’t know what I think about that……….

Where are you coming in the midwest?
Already answered this I believe
Are you going to come to CHA in Chicago(I'm guessing no since the dates you listed don't coincide)? No, I wish. I don’t have any CHA hookups. Le sigh
Do you think you could be preschool teacher for the rest of your life?
Yep till I retire. Or win the lottery. but considering i never play the lottery, i'm gonna say till i retire........
Who is the most inspirational person in your life?
A lot of people really. Of course my parents. They overcame a lot and worked really hard to get to where they are today. My mom is amazing, has dealt with so much in her life that I don’t think I could handle. Wouldn’t be who I was if it wasn’t for them
My old boss tami inspired me to do what I’m doing today. Love me my chi chi girl!
My cousin Amanda is an amazing woman too. She’s been through a lot, but is so incredibly positive and appreciative of what she has. And she’s good times : )
Steve. My hubby. Cause he’s smart. and sexy. and freakin motivated!!!!!

Tell us a story about an embarassing moment for you!!
I have a lot of embarrassing moments. Heres one that’s really not that bad, happened when I was eight, but I’ll never ever forget it.
I was in line with my best friend waiting ot go outside for recess. And I had to go the bathroom. So I tell Jessica (cause that’s what girls do, right? Let their girlfriend know when they got to go so they can all go together). Apparently,I said it a little loud and announce to a majority of Mrs. Larson’s second grade class “I have to go tinkle” and the cute/asshole boy of the class made SOOOOOOOOOO much fun of me! God, I remember the feeling of my cheeks burning up. How embarrassing. Everything else embarrassing that happened to me was to be blamed on alcohol, so I really wasn’t all that embarrassed… sure thats not what you were looking for- but its what i thought of!

what is your favorite red wine to drink lately?
I’ve been playing around a lot recently and buying different wines each tiem. But I recently have gotten into Wilson Creek Winery’s Pinot Noir and Pinot Mour (pronounced- pee- no- more. Lol). Don’t know where to buy it besides the winery though……
what is your favorite childhood memory?
I have lots and lots. Luckily, I had a great childhood! Lots involving family trips to iowa, Colorado, and some just kicking it at home. My dad used to take all three of us upstairs on his back when we were little. I was first, chris was on my back, then greg on his back. Talk about fun!!!!! We would giggle and try to not fall off. Really, I don’t know how my dad did it………….
what do you want to name your future kids?
Well, for a girl : Jessica Kathryn. That’s a name that steve and I have for sure agreed on. Then another girl, Julia. For boys, I love the name Joseph and Andrew. Steve hasn’t really agreed with those names yet. But anyways, I like the classic names best : )

Calif. seems so foreign to me, being a midwest gal. i've traveled to some different places, but never to your neck of the woods.
what do you love about living there?

Um, whast not to love? Its gorgeous here. We have the beach and the mountains driving distance (the beach being WAY closer, but still) I love that we’re near “hollywood” and that its this almost famous state, but that no one realizes there is soooo much more!! Seriously, you have huge mountains and redwoods, snow and skiing, the desert, the beaches that are insane, the cities, the boon docks. WINE COUNTRY. Cali is awesome, its like its onwn little country. I grew up in the Bay area (nor cal) but moved to Santa Barbara for college, and now am in San Diego (you don’t get much more south) and I love it here best. The weather is awesome all year. I may complain about the marine layer, but seriously- that’s nothing. And the vibe here, so relaxed. L ove it
what don't you like about it?
The only thing is prices- its RIDICULOUS!!!!! And there is also a down side to having the LA/Hollywood thing. Everyone is so into be super duper skinny and fake and wearing expensive clothes. That can suck. But whatever, I just ignore them and drink my vino ; )
do earthquakes freak you out?!
Nope. I’ve been in a quite a few, including the big quake of 89. I like that we don’t have warning and they happen so rarely, especially the big ones (were talking decades people) that its really nothing to worry about. Seriously, I’m terrified of tornados. I’ve been in my share of warnings and watches, and I don’t’ understand how people can be afraid of California cause of earthquakes!!!!! Seriously, of every place in the country, cali has the least to worry about in natural disasters (imho)
where are your favorite places/things to do in free time?! besides the wine, of course ;)
free time? Whats that???? Seriously, I have had no free time to do anything! seriously, what am i going to do when i have kids? When I’m sitting around doing nothing- that means something should be getting done! (right now, laundry and grocery shopping, and I’m straving and should eat some lunch) but I love scrapbooking (duh) and I do love photography, but I no longer have a nice camera (really really really want the rebel- Christmas present perhaps???) love reading magazines. Some favs are Creating Keepsakes, actually most scrapbooking magazines, people, US, Parents (I know I’m not a parent, but I have the preschool and its full of great info for me! I know, I’m so weird………..) I also love to cook. Love me Rachel Ray. She rocks. But once again, when do I have the time???? And I do like to work out. Really, I do. But only when I’m not tired. That’s when it really sucks

Do you have any favourite badgers, at all?
Um, aren’t badgers scary mean animals?

when are you coming back down to AZ???
currently discussing a possible visit in the fall. And maybe Sedona for spring break next year. I’ll keep you updated……….
I love asking questions since I'm such a mitotera! HA!- why don't you drink caffeine?
Gave it up cause of headaches and sensitive stomach. I have both those problems, and caffeinie is supposed to be bad for both, so I though- might as well not drink it then! I think I may have been dieting too….-
what kind of car do you drive?
Pancho Verde, aka Frank Green. A big ole green suburban. Yes, a gas guzzler. But I actually need a car this big. Why you ask? Hello, preschool fieldtrips! I can fit 6 kids IN carseats in that bad boy. And you don’t get much safer than pancho. Nope, no one f’s w/pancho. And don’t’ worry, I don’t’ drive him that much since I work at home, so I don’ t have to fill up often. But did you know that gas pumps stop at $75? Yep. I can’t even fill up pancho’s tank all the way in one sitting. That’s the only part that sucks……-
do you have any regrets?
I really doin’t believe in regrets. At the time, its right for me. I've never done something thinking- "i'm gonna regret this......." The one thing I do regret is not going on this European trip the summer after highschool with my girlfriend, basically cause of a boyfriend. There were also health issues, but I choose to blame the stupid abusive ex. So that’s my one regret.

What type of wine do you drink? Do you have a favorite type of wine(Red, White, Reisling, etc.)?
Guess I really am known as a wino in the blgo world ; )
Once again, I love my reds. Love pinots and cabs. But I enjoy a good bottle of any wine, really, though I’m not too found of super sweet wines.
What is your favorite room in your house and why.
Hmmmm. Well, my bedroom is the only room that is actually almost all the way decorated and matching. And its wear I get to sleep, and of course “where the magic happens” so I guess I’ll say that room. It also is attached to our bathroom, which has my big old bathtub which I LOVE!!!!!
What room does all the magic (the scrap magic) happen in?
The office. Steve and I share. And there is literally a line where my junk stops and his neatness begins. Pretty funny really. Right now I’m taking over his side, too. Not much room for steve o!
Where do ya wanna meet in Iowa?
Trying to find a good place that’s half way to see angie and barb and em, so I’m thinking its going to be like a random scrapbook store in illionois? Maybe I’m totally off. I don’t’ have a map in front of me

what is your favorite type of wine?
Red : ) see above questions
what do you hate to clean?
Everything. Seriously. But mostly the showers in the bathroom. Ugh.
what thing do you cook the most?
Cook a lot of chicken, salmon, and pastas
what is your favorite candle smell?
my best friend got me the most amazing candle for a house warming gift. Honeysuckle by votive. It seems sooooo freakin good, and you don’t even have to light it to smell it.
Do you kill plants?
Um, sometimes. But doesn’t matter cause my hubbys’ got a GREEN THUMB. So I just buy plants I like and he takes care of them : )
Do you like milk or dark chocolate?
Both. Mmmmm chocolate……………..

why did you choose to work with kids???
Cause I love them! They’re so freaking cute and funny. No matter what, I will laugh at least once a day when working with kids. And apparently I’m rather good at it. So it works : )
what is the craziest thing you did as a result of too much vino?
Oh goodness. Vino alone, I don’t know. And ya know, I really don’t know the answer to this. I do a lot of crazy things, how to name the craziess? Let me think about it.
how did you and your man meet?
Well, that was a crazy story- result of too much tequila!
when will there be pitterpatters?
Hopefully super duper soon!!!! check back in a month or two..........
If you could go one place(NOT the midwest!) where would it be?
That’s hard to answer just one. But I guess I really want to go to austrailia. That’d be awesome. I want to hold a koala bear and jump with a kangaroo : )
so GLAD you're up an running. i need to busta move on my cj.. and get it sent out!!ps//question,,,when do I get my RACK????? Oops, forgot about that. Seriously. I didn’t think you ever got my message that you were getting one. I’ll get on it, I promise………….

what is your favorite line of paper?
SEI always has something i love. and wild asparagus. and lots of other random lines..

ok, so i was originally thinking of making this 2 seperate posts. probably should have. its taken me DAYS to get this thing finally up!!!!!!!!
sorry that i lag. and if you read the whole thing? freakin you are da bomb of a blog reader. wish i could give a prize, but i 've been laggin on to other RAKS so i'm not gonna promise that (sorry elizabeth....)
have a fabulous tuesday eveyrone : )


Blogger Felicia said...

So what is your favorite wine again??? ha ha ha
I like reading all about Kat. =)

3:24 PM  
Blogger justem said...

These are great!! I love learning about you...though I'm a little disappointed that when asked if you had any favorite badgers that you didn't say me and Angie!!! We are probably the only "real" Badgers you know! (and if you are totally confused, go online and look up!!)

4:03 PM  
Blogger Just this Girl said...


loved it!
and i don't remember asking you questions... hahaha! i'm getting old!

9:56 PM  
Blogger Stacy said...

FAB-U-LOUS post!!! I loverd reading all of that!!!

11:19 PM  
Blogger monica said...

that's alot of info Kat, do you feel exposed now? hehehe

4:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hey Billabong"?!?! hahahah that cracks me up!!! too funny! Oh man if we drank some tequila together it would probably be the best time ever! consequently, I was a little drunk when I "met" Hugh, but that is another story!
great answers, funny how everyone wanted to know about your vino preferences! hehehehe

8:23 AM  
Blogger Jill H said...

oh my gosh, the story of how you & Steve met is making me LAUGH!!! there's one to tell the grandchildren ;) too funny. you're such a hoot, Kat, i love your blog!! kudos to you for answering all those questions!!

9:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WHOA! Thanks for taking the time to answer everyone's questions!

What a great way to learn more about someone who lives far away!! When I started reading your embarrassing story, I thought you were going to say you peed your pants!! YIKES!!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Muriel said...

loving the answers...I never did know why you didn't drink Starbucks.....

11:25 AM  
Blogger darcy said...

AWe.. loved all your answers!! So fun to read through them all. =)

11:31 AM  
Blogger badgerdaddy said...

Coupla things... Em, you are clearly not the only badgers in town. *ahem*

And no, badgers are not mean and scary! They're exceptionally family oriented, incredibly loyal, very territorial and yes, staggeringly fierce but ONLY when provoked!

Mind you, they might make 'em different over there.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

Holy, man! We are nosy, aren't we?!? Great to learn all kinds of new things about you, Kat.

6:06 AM  

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