Wednesday, June 21, 2006


and the livin's easy

being the first official day of summer, i thought i'd make a list of some of my favorite summer memories

1. 4th of July. one of my favorite all time holidays. soo much fun. no stress involved. always lots and LOTS of good foon, and (when i got older) good drinks ; ) and fun people. love making fruit salads and bbqing. love the parades when i was little. seeing all the cousins by the dozens. sooo fun

2. going to iowa to see the family. my brothers and i would be SOOOOOOOOOO excited!!! both sides of the family lived in iowa, about three hours apart. my dad's side is WAY bigger, but both sides were so much fun!!!!
loved the sleepovers with my cousins
all the games we would play
going to the movies, that were sooo super cheap
going to hardees. didn't have that in cali
the big family gatherings. so much fun!!!!
oh! and don't forget the fire flies. lightning bugs. whatever you call them. we don't have those in cali either! we would catch them and make jewelry out of them. which is, now that i think about it, so freakin gross. but we thought it was a great time!!!
ice cream at the tastee freeze or dairy queen!!!! mmmmm. niether of those were close to my home either!
corn on the cob. seriously doesn't get any better than the corn in iowa. mmmm mmm good : )

3. the long days. seirously. awesome. still one of my favorite parts. i remember playing outside till dark, then it was time for bed! i think i would try to stay up later, but it wouldn't work.....

4. the summer breaks. that rocked. seriously, 3 months of no school??? just hanging out and having fun? what could be better? and now steve still gets them, so i get to have him home with me all summer!!!!! so fun for me, probably not so much for him (yeah, the whole "honey-do" list gets a mile long.................)

5. all the bbq's. of course the 4th is the best, but all the other ones are fab. love bbq chicken and corn on the cob. steaks. whatever. and its so much easier to clean up!!!

6. makes me want to relax in the hammock, reading a book and sipping a nice cool glass of chardonay (and i'm not a huge white wine drinker. only in the summer do i "crave" it)

7. ice cream!!!! sure, you can eat it all year round. and i do. but its the best in the summer, when its hot outside and all cold and melty. mmmm

8. end of the school year activities. loved them all . the fieldtrips and picnics, and all the yearbook signing. awwww, i miss that ; )

9. popsicles. i dont' eat those all year. thats for sure. but they're yummy cool treats : )
(and i wonder why i always gain weight in the summer and not over the holidays???)

10. its relaxing. you get a break. when i was little, a break from school. from life at home. and now, its still a break. a break from cooking in the kitchen every day. (bbq!!!) a break from my tv shows. as much as i love them, its nice to not be glued to the tv every night. a break from being home alone all day (love having steve here!). its like 3 months a year where everything is more relaxed. and thats awesome ; )

*notice how none of my summer memories had anything to do with the beach? just cause i'm a cali girl, doesn't mean that i'm a huge beach lover! don't like all the sand, getting soo hot in the sun, i'm scared of the ocean, and i don't have a rockin bikini body (too much ice cream and popsicles!!!!!). just thought i'd point that out!!!

now tell me y'all, your favorite summer memory???


Blogger Odette said...

Summers! Weren't they the best when we were kids? Now....I'm sitting in Arizona with a fan blowing on my face and it was only 114 degrees in Phoenix today. I guess when I was young the temperature was the least of my concerns!

10:38 PM  
Blogger Felicia said...

Favorite summer memories were getting out of AZ and going to Cali. My bestest cousins lived there so I would spend all summer in Cali with them. Now they live in Seattle. =(

10:57 PM  
Blogger caroline said...

jumping in the pool at home
and beach bonfires. those were always fun!

11:48 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

I {heart} summer road trips. Licorice. Coke. BBQ potato chips. Good tunes. Doesn't matter too much what the destination is. Summer road trips are always fun!

6:04 AM  
Blogger angieoh! said...

one of my fave summer memories is of this place in my hometown called Big Falls. We always had these huge parties out there (in High schoo) and it was a blast.... ahhh the good old days.

8:24 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Definitely that late days!! I love that still! Yay for summer!!! :)

8:24 AM  
Blogger darcy said...

LOVE this post!!! Why, cuz I love summers!!! my fave part about summer.. bbq, hanging at the pool, the fair (total IN girl.. but our fair is COOL!) and sleeping with the windows open. =) Ahhh.. LOVE this time of year!

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha bug jewelry!
I am definetly with you on staying up late and still enjoying the light outside...ahh summer. I'm ready for ya!

8:42 AM  
Blogger BRANDY said...

Riding on back roads with my DH on our Harley. That is the closest to feeling like you are flying and freedom. Love it.

8:46 AM  
Blogger 2 Dollar Productions said...

Summer break was the best when you were in high school and could drive and hang out with your best friends and talk about really stupid shit that seemed vitally important at the time.

Those were good times, but summer vacation always seemed to go way too fast.

9:45 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

oh my gosh, that was so fun to read your list!!
but isn't life in Cali, pretty much summer ... all the time???
hmmm. and indiana summer.. got to love the cookouts with corn on the cob, going for ice cream, vacations.. and just having sunshine for a change!!

10:47 AM  
Blogger Michelle W. said...

best memories are when I slack off and don't do any summer works until a night before I have to go back to school. LOL

7:50 AM  

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