Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!!!!!

halloween is here! one of my favorite holidays (along with St. Patricks day and 4th of July). I love dressing up, just like i love my theme parties. and carving pumpkins is always so intertaining. i always want my pumpkin to be one of those super cool ones, but it never works out. i spent an hour on the pumpkin this year, carving AND talking on the phone to my friend hammertime in argentina. it didn't turn out perfect, but i still love it

This year, since i'm broke as a joke, i couldn't do anything too fun for a costume. i wanted to be a "gold digger" and wear all gold and a gold shovel and play gold digger by kanye west all night (i love that song), but that required money. so instead i just got the devil accesories, and added them to my pirate costume from a few years ago, just a different skirt. and of course, my red push up bra that makes my boobs look fake- love it! (oh, and i wore a jacket thingy over it at the party we went to so i didn't look too scandlous)
steve was/is the grim rapper. last year he was the grim reaper, and he came across the play on the name somewhere. pretty funny, and also saved money. he just got a little bling to add to his reaper costume. he got to wear the "SP" necklace he got for his bachelor party (which is actually supposed to be SD for san diego, but the store that they got it at was all ghetto and the made the D a P instead......) oh, and i never got a full body pic of steve in his costume. he also had a silver tooth, but it wouldn't stay on.
anyways, so thats the story of our costumes. nothing too exciting. but at least we got to wear them! we went to a party at the home of one of steve's "colleages" at his school, and fellow soft ball team member. it was mostly the softball team at this party, so it was a fun group. i was nervous before hand, becasue i had only met them, and some were older, and i didn't want to come off as the crazy drunk that i am, plus i was wearing a hoochie costume. but, like i said, i wore a jacket over it and was all good. and there was another girl doing the whole scandalous cop outfit. so i was good. anyways, this house was INSANE! it was decorated everyhwhere, and just looked freakin awesome. decided we could never have a halloween party after this one cause our decorations would never be so good. i shoudl have taken pictures, but i didnt, cause i dind't want everyone to think i was crazy. i left the pic taking job to steve, so not so many great pictures. mostly ones of everyone at the bar, and i'm always posted at the end taking tequilla shots or drinking "coronitas" (which i've never seen before and they're sooooo ocute! mini coronas. fun stuff) a few funny ones, like me and the host, both devils, and i thought it would look really cool to be behind my little devil fork thingy. not so much. a few funny costumes, but nothing too note worthy. nothing like the days back in ISLA VISTA where you would see everyhing under the sun. there was couple there, probably in there 50's, dressed up as goth and punk teenagers. that was amusing to me. so anywyas, it was a fun party- not too crazy, but really fun people. yea! making friends in san diego all the time. i told ya all that i would post the pics on my blog, but since they aren't that exciting, just check out my clubphoto pics

tonight i'm making chili, a favorite halloween tradition that started when i was a little girl. my best frined jessica and i would trick-or-treat togehter every year, then we woudl go to her house (both families, plus sometimes a lot more!) and eat her mom's chili. the best chili ever! love adding sour cream and lots of cheese- yuuumm. then we would count and seperate our candy into little groups. fun. so anyways, tonight having some friends over for chili, want to watch a scary movie, and pass out candy! hope everyone has a safe, fun holiday!!!!!

(oh, and i found out about why the worm was in the tequila bottle- it was to prove that the tequilla was so strong it could kill the worm. so i guess if the worm was still swimming around, that tequilla was no good)


Blogger Muriel said...

Your costume was cute!!!! I haven't dressed up for Halloween in like 5 years, since I went trick or treating in New Orleans freshmen year. Maybe I buy a costume tommorrow for next year.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Your costumes look great! Love your pumpkin. Glad you had a Happy Halloween!!! :D

9:19 AM  

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